Meet Alex Melia: Community Champion, Festival Director and Candidate for Dollis Hill, Brent

Alex first got into local political activism because he wanted to tackle local problems such as rubbish, vandalism and anti-social behaviour. Through these activities, he got to know and began working with local Liberal Democrat members and is now standing for councillor in the Dollis Hill ward of Brent. He is currently Chair of a local residents' association as well as Secretary to the Chinese Liberal Democrats.
Alex thinks that growing up speaking English and Chinese has helped him to empathise with and understand people of different cultural backgrounds. He has initiated a number of community projects:
- Dollis Hill Love Books: library books placed in local cafes and restaurants for local people to borrow;
- Dollis Hill Online: computer tablets gifted to older and vulnerable people who are otherwise locked out of the Internet and helped by young computer students to give them web know-how;
- Dollis Hill Music Festival: creating a performance space for young Royal College musicians in an area not previously known for classical music concerts.
Alex said:
"Despite the fact that the Chinese are the 4th largest ethnic group in the UK, it is quite clear that Chinese Britons are under-represented in UK politics and the media. Up till now, we have been known as the 'silent minority'. In fact, there are those who stereotypically believe, partly justified, that we only ever enter certain professions.
"As more Chinese Britons put themselves forward and enter British public life we become more visible. And, in this way, we are able to provide role models for the younger generation."
Alex is clearly doing this, getting fully engaged with his community and showing others the way to speak up and speak out. We wish him success on May 22nd!
Miraculously, Alex manages to find the time to work for British Airways as an onboard CSD. If you would like to help in Alex's campaign email and look out for Chinese Libdem's action days in May.