The Chinese Are Coming!
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang left on Monday this week on a 5 day visit to Britain and Greece. With him, according to the press, is a 200 strong business delegation, expected to sign up some £18 billion worth of deals.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang left on Monday this week on a 5 day visit to Britain and Greece. With him, according to the press, is a 200 strong business delegation, expected to sign up some £18 billion worth of deals.
Chinese Liberal Democrats helped to organise a dinner on 23 June in Taunton, Somerset to support Parliamentary Candidate Sarah Yong. Selected earlier this year, Sarah will be standing in David Heath MP's seat in the constituency of Somerton and Frome in May 2015.
The day-conference on this important and relevant topic was jointly organised by The Asia Business Centre of the University of Nottingham (UoN) and the Chinese Liberal Democrats (CLD), with support from China Britain Business Centre (CBBC).
It's six months since Sarah Yong was selected as the Lib Dem candidate for Somerton and Frome, held by David Heath since 1997. Today she's announced her decision to stand down. Here's the letter she's sent to her local paper, announcing the news:
It is with a sad, and heavy, heart that yesterday I heard of Sarah Yong's decision to stand down as PPC for Somerton and Frome for personal reasons. What is even sadder is that people are demanding to know the personal reasons, either because the privacy of an individual is less important than what this means to the party or to show it's not because of the party prospects. If an employee (even CEO) of an organisation stepped down for personal reasons it is normally respected and the organisation moves on.
Our Chinese Lib Dem Treasurer, Phil Ling, has just returned from a week long trip to China on a UK-China Young Leaders Dialogue organised by the Great Britain China Centre.